Collagen Particles

It can be applied in a flexible manner according on the form and size of the wound, and can be combined with various types of dressings to offer a more comprehensive treatment option for clinical use.


LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles are composed of 100% pure bovine type I collagen derived from natural sources, without any additional artificial substances. The material maintains its original triple-helix structure, which ensures outstanding biocompatibility and enhanced support and stability.


LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles are specifically engineered with micron-sized particles and possess an uneven porosity structure. The dressing’s optimal particle size results in a greater specific surface area, which gives it a light and airy texture and improves its capacity to rapidly absorb exudate, as demonstrated by the electron microscope image.


The particle form of the product enables versatile usage in healthcare environments, accommodating various wound forms and sizes, without any worries regarding incorrect fitting. It closely adheres to the surface and shape of the wound, ensuring a moist environment for the wound. 

LUOFUCON® Collagen particles can be integrated with diverse dressings, providing a more comprehensive therapy option for clinical use. It is appropriate for the management of diverse acute and chronic wounds.

Collagen Content (%)

LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles offer a greater collagen content than comparable products since they are composed 100% type I bovine collagen.


pH Value

LUOFUCON® Collagen particles offer gentle protection to the wound bed and create an ideal pH environment for wound healing, thanks to their mild acidic properties. In addition, the acidic environment hinders the activity of MMPs and prevents the growth of microbes.


Absorption Performance (times)

The fluid absorption capability of LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles exceeds 15 times its own weight. Upon absorbing exudate, they transform into a pliable and cozy paste, which aids in filling intricate wound areas.


Degradation time (min)

LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles are derived from pure collagen and maintain their original triple helix structure. This attribute allows for a longer duration of disintegration compared to similar products when exposed to collagenase, resulting in enhanced support and durability for therapeutic applications.


LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles is intended for the management of wounds including: 

●  Full thickness and partial thickness wounds
●  Pressure(stage I-IV) and venous ulcers
●  Ulcers caused by mixed vascular etiologies
●  Venous stasis and diabetic ulcers
●  1st and superficial second-degree burns
●  Cuts
●  Abrasions
●  Surgical wounds




LUOFUCON® Collagen Particles should not be used on patients sensitive to bovine collagen or third-degree burns.

Instructions for use

Model specifications

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